The new and inexpensive smartwatch from Indian retailer, Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max, made its debut on Monday in India. With Bluetooth connectivity built into the new smartwatch, users can make and receive voice calls directly from the gadget without removing the linked smartphone from their pocket. The 1.9-inch Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max display supports Always On Display. The wearable has blood oxygen (SpO2) monitoring and over 500 watch faces to choose from. Now let’s look at the features of the device and its price.
Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max Specifications and Features
The new Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max offers a 1.99-inch UHD color display with durable, edgeless support. It has a multifunctional crown that can be used to traverse menus, change volume, and switch watch faces. It also comes with a silicone wrist strap. SpO2 and heart rate monitoring are supported by the sensors on the smartwatch. It also claims to monitor stress and sleep.
The wearable has a 2-watt microphone and speaker and is ENC compliant. With Bluetooth connectivity, the Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max allows users to make and accept voice calls over their phone network without using the phone. Additionally, it features an IP68 rated dust and water resistant build.
Moreover, the brand offers more than 500 interchangeable watch faces that you can use with Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max to suit your style. Moreover, 11 themes are available for the menu interface. The Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max battery is designed to last up to 15 days between charges. For increased security, it also has a password lock feature.
Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max Price in India, Availability
Crossbeats Ignite S4 Max is available in India at a price of Rs 3,999. It’s now available for purchase on Amazon during the Amazon Great Freedom Sale 2022 and comes in Kohl black and Mystic Blue color options. Soon, it will be available for purchase on the business’ website.